Frequently asked questions
Q: How do I schedule a class or appointment with Stella?
A: New appointments go up around the first of the month. Please book only one per month and please don’t book an appointment for someone else without their express permission.
Q: How often do you run the Intro Class?
A: More often in the winter and less often in the summer.
Q: If I don’t see appointments available does that mean none are left?
A: Not necessarily. The calendar is dynamic, so if someone cancels, that appointment will open up. Check back!
Q: Do I need to believe?
A: No. Resonant attention is a principle behind all healing, including allopathy, homeopathy, and placebo. The resonant attention team simply teaches how to use our attention and allowance to hack healing. Practice may be needed in order to hold the correct attitude, but this skill is accessible by most.